Recovering from a Dental Crown Procedure

In this post, our Nepean, Ottawa dental team describes what you can expect during your recovery from a dental crown procedure.

Dental crowns are a restorative dental treatment used to restore the appearance and function of cracked or damaged teeth. The recovery period after a dental crown has been placed typically lasts for a few days at most. While it is normal for patients to experience some sensitivity or discomfort during this time, the irritation and inflammation associated with the procedure will subside fairly quickly in most cases.

Numbness From Anaesthetic

If your dentist used a local anesthetic during your procedure, the numbing effect will last for a few hours afterward before gradually wearing off.

Keep your mouth as safe as possible when you're eating, and stay away from hot foods and liquids to avoid injuring your mouth while it's numb.

You may also experience some minor bruising and inflammation around the injection site, but this will subside on its own after a few days and does not usually necessitate the use of any additional medications.

Pain & Discomfort

It is likely that you will experience some minor discomfort and pain after the numbness from the anesthesia has worn off. This usually subsides within a few days to a week after the procedure is completed.

If you are experiencing discomfort, your dentist will likely recommend you take over-the-counter pain medication, such as Ibuprofen, to help you manage it. However, speak to your dentist before taking any sort of medication for pain.

As a result of the irritation caused by the dental cement (which was used to secure the crown), you may notice that the gums surrounding the restored tooth are also feeling a little sensitive.

During the following few weeks, if the pain you are experiencing does not subside or becomes more severe, please contact our office to schedule an appointment for further evaluation.

Living with Your New Crown

During your recovery period, avoid eating anything that is hard, sticky, or chewy for the first 24 hours. During the days and weeks following your procedure, you can gradually reintroduce these foods into your diet.

It is normal for a new crown to feel a little strange at first – almost as if it doesn't quite fit properly. Once your mouth becomes accustomed to the new restoration you will most likely stop noticing it altogether.

That said, if your bite does not feel normal after about a week, it is possible that the crown will need to be adjusted in order for it to fit properly. In this case, you should schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist.

Dental crowns should be cared for the same way as natural teeth, with regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular visits to the dentist for checkups and cleanings, as necessary. In order to keep your teeth healthy and your crown in good working order, it is essential to practice good oral hygiene daily. Dental crowns can last for many years if they are maintained properly.

If you have questions about an upcoming dental crown procedure, please contact our Nepean, Ottawa dentists today.

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